5 Tips to Stay Motivated as Blogger

Everyone has hit a rut. A little low point where you're not quite sure how to get motivated and proceed. Bloggers are no different. I've been in a bit of a rut recently in regards to my blog, school, social life, and job applications (not to mention my own personal wellbeing and desire to do nothing but sit in bed and read and sip tea at all times.) So, today, I am here to share with you my tips to get motivated to keep on blogging!

* A blog I wrote for a blogging a group I'm a part of @bloggersinspired on instagram, read the original blog posted here: https://inspiredinthecity.com/2020/03/15/5-blogging-tips-to-stay-motivated/

1. Get inspired by other bloggers!
I feel like it's easy to see what others are doing and say, "I wish that was me." Instead of longing for something that someone else has, I find it extremely motivating to channel that energy into inspiration instead! When you see something you like on another blogger's post or story, allow that feeling to motivate you to work hard, stay focused, and always allow yourself to keep dreaming!

Just a few bloggers who inspire me are (the list is actually quite long):
@lornaluxe for all things fashion, aesthetically pleasing, Chanel, and cheery!
@sophiemilner_fs for London inspo, girly advice, and trendy fits!
@fashioninflux for outfit variations and high street steals!

And of course all my Bloggers Inspired friends!
@jesssvalentine for honest and hilarious blogging
@abeersaysblog for London happenings, food, and social media tips
@livingprettyhappy for all things positivity, wellbeing, and inspiring quotes
@sunna_naseer (+ @inspired.inthecity) for lifestyle and leadership
@somewhereovertherainblog for lifestyle, women's empowerment, and life tips!

Screenshot this template to use on Instagram Stories! Tag the accounts that inspire you in the white boxes! 

2. Document AND Create 
Don't just create for the sake of creation. Although I love planning a yummy lunch or outing to get some blog content, sometimes, when I'm not feeling up to it, it seems like such a drag. My lovely instagram friend @jesssvalentine gave me some fab advice to start documenting my day to day life in order to continuously create content, even when I'm not realllyyy "creating" content. Not only will you feel less pressured to go here and there, and spend copious amount of money on food, but you'll also give your blog a more personal feel!

Recently I've been trying to do more "talking to the camera" type instagram stories! They start of scary, but you'll quickly get addicted to telling stories this way! 

3. Keep writing!
Even if it's not on brand or something you want to post. Practice makes perfect, after all, and writing will help you perfect the blogging craft and help get you back in the groove! I love writing, so maybe this tip is a bit bias, but you never know where your mind will take you. Perhaps the blog you write even though you're heart isn't in it, will turn out to either a) inspire you to write about something else or b) turn out really good and you WILL put your heart into or c) you never post it, but you got the creative juices flowing, which I'm sure your head and heart will thank you for.

I start writing about anything I can't stop thinking about! Whether that be trips, places I want to go, cocktails, coffee, life updates, etc! 

4. Join or create a blogging group
Joining Bloggers Inspired has really made me stay on top of my game! With a hectic schedule, it's nice having a group of supportive women who can inspire me and keep me on track. Start your own by creating a group with your blogging friends, or take a chance and reach out to those "blogging crushes" you have and offer it to them! The amount of friends and connections I've made on instagram is insane, and really makes me feel supported in my blogging endeavours!

5. Don't feel guilty about time management, taking a break, and doing whatever feels best for you.
Sometimes... you just need a break. It's key here to stop feeling so guilty about not being productive. The more guilty you feel, the more you may resent your blog altogether. That's not the goal here. Just a like everything else in life, breaks are okay. Plus, it may give you time to chill and think about the direction you want your content to take!

Nature walks AND city walks tend to give me inspiration. Nature walks for clearing the mind and city walks for discovering cute new areas + new food places I haven't tried! 

These periods of not being motivating can be quite annoying, trust me, I know. But these tips can help you regain some inspo and create the content that makes your heart smile! Happy blogging!



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