A Little Lisa in a Big World of Content Creators, Being an Adult, and Being Constantly Confused for no Reason

Hello everyone! As usual, I took a bit of an accidental hiatus. Graduate school basically forces me to read and write majority of my day, which means when I'm done, all I want to do is zone out and watch Love Island or read Harry Potter (or stuff my face with food and beer). Hence my inactivity.

[[ Here's a picture of me, attempting to pose seriously. Did you know I was a child model? Don't think it rubbed off on me. I'd rather show off my double chins than try and look so serious. I'm not a serious person. ]]

I am here now though with, perhaps, the millionth "re-brand" of my semi-blogging career (not full blogging, not dedicated enough I've realised). During my hiatus I was thinking a lot about my content and basically I feel like I started this blog to update my friends and family while I'm across an ocean, and then at some point I got sucked into that pit of trying to be an influencer like all the other basic bitches.

[[ Currently Six Nations Rugby is taking place and I have no friends/boy friends/ guy friends to watch with. It's causing me distress. DM me if you want to watch rugby with me. Also DM me if you know how to make guy friends in London, don't wanna date them, just wanna watch sports with them. ]]

I suppose I'm in a bit of a blogging rut and I don't know what direction I want my blog and blogstagram to go in. When it comes down to it, I just don't want a 9-5 job, and I think blogging might be a good way to get into that (whatever "that" is I really have no clue). But also, I can't keep trying to come up with captions about pink doors around London. Like we get it, Lisa, London is perfect and adorable. But also I love posting my photos. Because where else will I put them??

[[ That's more like it. A very candid photo of me. Looking intoxicated, but really I'm just not photogenic. #blessed ]] 

I love my blog though (because I love writing -- just not about psychology anymore lol soz), and I love my instagram because I love photography. Maybe I just need to hang up the cutesy blogger girl vibes? Start captioning all my photos about what I had for breakfast (almost always porridge) and what I'm reading (either a research article or Harry Potter).

[[ Won't tell anyone where my favourite street is because not that many people know about it and I DON'T want it to become a busy Notting Hill photo shoot area. Selfish, I am. ]] 

[[ Recently I went to Cambridge and took this pic and I just adore it. Should I write a post about Cambridge? It'll be short. Venmo me money because I'd love to go on more trips but currently my income is five pounds a week from school surveys. ]]

Thanks for reading my ramble, also thanks to all 15 of you that read my blog. I hope you all enjoyed the completely meaningless pictures and anecdotes I have included.



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