How to: Procrastinate Prep for an International Trip

Procrastinating is truly an art. Ask anyone. What's really fun about it is when you're approx. 4 days away from going on a month-long international adventure and you realize you have a sh*ttttttt ton of things to do. But, instead, you're here. Writing a blog post at 1 AM because you just couldn't keep the creative juices from flowing.

Below are some really, really helpful tips on how to procrastinate, feel free to edit, improvise, and come up with your own special ways to make your anxiety go nuts! Share in the comments below so we can all resent our past selves together.

Not Quick side-note: As I home, the blog does not have much to run on. In January, though, is when I'm headed to Italy for an extended period of time to get a job and live and all that jazz (who knows for how long, plz stop asking). The rest of this month (October) and part of November, I am headed to London and Italy for "research". Really in-depth, first-hand research about where to get a job and find a home (but really where the closest coffee/wine bar will be in the proximity of my new apartment, jk kinda). So if you wanted an update there is! Lots more maps and maybe a little less Moscato coming JAN 2K18.

How to: Procrastinate Prep for an International Trip

1) Go on a trip to LA to see your besties (When planning we said, "lets just have a chill weekend, like really i just want to see you, don't feel obligated to go out, omg no let's just chill." WRONG. We drank all weekend and then thought drinking on a Monday would be fun, too. S/O Bacari PDR [] in Playa Del Rey for the $25, 90 min, all you can drink special. lol sry mom.) 

 (If you ever wanted to be surrounded by people who seem like they really want to be on The Bachelor/ette, and have probably auditioned, head on down to the Bungalow in Santa Monica!

2) Come home from said trip and don't unpack until 6 days later 

3) Develop an allergic reaction that causes your entire body to itch for the whole week before your international adventure (which involves lots of Bendryl aka.......... #4)

4) NAP! 

5) Don't do your laundry 

6) Book some Airbnb's

7) Still don't do your laundry

8) Start your International Resume, but then get distracted by FRIENDS (the TV show not the real ones)

9) Repeat #5 and #7

10) Stay up late at night wondering what to pack 

11) Get a haircut that takes about 4 hours to complete (S/O Zen Salon in Cherry Creek, Denver, Colorado love my hair huge fan)

12) Finally get motivated to do some prep but realize it's the middle of the night and you should go to bed, but instead do some yoga. 

Hopefully, this helps those of you who are struggling with procrastination. Maybe don't take my advice on this. 


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