A Quick List of Things I Like That Most People Don't

Everyone loves air and water (obviously), and I can assume almost everyone loves the beach and vacations and probably pasta. But this isn't a list about trendy things, like coffee shops I love or fashion (but those, too, will come at some point.) This a compilation of things that I like, that most people give me weird looks for when I tell them I enjoy them:

1 - Plain Cheerios (they taste so plain and delicious, like cardboard)

2 - Drinking luke warm water

3 - Lying on the floor even when there is a perfectly good couch next to me

4 - Those weird hairless cats that are kind of creepy but mostly cute

5 - Animals that are happily living but that only have 3/4 legs

6 - Animals that are happily living but only have 1/2 eyes

7 - Crying (it's therapeutic)

8 - Awkward silences with people (because it reveals characteristics about the person)

9 - Being vulnerable (IDK I feel like most people don't like being vulnerable? Comment if you disagree?)

There you have it. Part 2 will come soon if my friends and family point out my other ~quirks~.

S/O to my mom, whom I suspect is my only reader.


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